Quest #1 – Complete

Congrats to the 5 students who have completed their first quest in their new quest line – Introduction to 3d Printing! We had a great time, fun discussions, and I can sense the excitement, wonder, and creativity building in the students! Here is the Keynote presentation that we talked through, sprinkled in with some field trips to the garage to check on an ongoing print, and lots of detours to YouTube and the internet to check out other things that could be printed – including lifelike organs!!!

Remember the homework is to find 5 designs on that you’d like to print. While we’ll start with printing one, we may be able to do others later as well!

If you plan to bring in a laptop next week, please have PrusaControl installed before the class so we can keep the class moving.

See everyone next Saturday the 30th at 10:00AM!

Here is the lesson we reviewed if you’d like to download it!  3d Printing – Lesson 1.key

10 Replies to “Quest #1 – Complete”

      1. Haha, nice. I saw the Vader twice too. These look so cool we might try to pull off more than one during the week for each person Lol!

    1. Welcome back from camping! I love the whistle, it has always been talked about but I haven’t done one yet.

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