Below is my current planned schedule for the 5 weeks of class.  This is entirely subject to change, and I expect it will do so especially since this is our first attempt at the class!

Week 1 – Information and introduction

(March 23th @ 10am)

  • Goal:  To equip the students with information about 3d printing, overview, boundaries, uses, and materials.
  • End with:  introduction to and downloading objects online.
  • Homework:  Go online (with parent supervision) and search for and identify 5 small simple objects they would like to discuss and print.  

Week 2 – Slice & Print

(March 30th @ 10am)

  • Goal:  To equip the students with an understanding of “slicing” which is the process to prepare models that have been downloaded for printing, along with a basic understanding of the printer software called OctoPrint.
  • Discussion & Activity:  Discuss each of the prints they’ve discovered on their own and select one to process for printing.
  • End with:  Each student processes one print in PrusaControl and uploads it to the printer.
  • Homework:  Jackson and Josh will print all the students prints prior to the next week’s class, and share print progress during the week via Webex Teams (and perhaps this site).

Week 3 – Customize, Download, Slice & Print

(April 6th @ 10am)

  • Goal #1:  To introduce the students to customizations – using TinkerCad online software.
  • Goal #2:  To recap the print foibles of the week – successes, and challenges – and give them their print from the previous week.
  • Activity:  Students to go through TinkerCad tutorials that will allow them to make minor customizations to designs, download customized prints, slice them with PrusaControl, upload them to the printer.
  • End with:  Customized design files ready to be printed during the week by Josh and Jackson.    
  • Homework:  Each student will again search Thingiverse (or other sites) for a more involved print (i.e. nerf gun, mini crossbow, wind up toy car, etc.).  Each student will bring back one print they’d like to be the final print – and we will all vote on the final print.
  • Homework:  Jackson and Josh will print each student’s customized design prior to the next week’s class.

Week 4 – Vote, Download, Slice & Print

(April 13th @ 10am)

  • Goal:  To identify the advanced print the class will use as their final project, along with the color each student would like their materials printed in.
  • Discussion & Activity:  Each student to present their “Final Print” nomination. Review each “Final Print” nomination, and discuss the difficulty level, review the comments, and vote on the nominations.    
  • Homework:  Josh to order any additional items (magnets, screws, etc.) required for the advanced print selected, as well as order any additional filament that may be needed.

Week 5 – Post Process & Assemble

(April 20th, @ 10am)

  • Goal:  To take the model parts printed and custom assemble what they’ve printed    
  • Activity:  Post process the final prints.  This could include sanding, painting, glueing, screwing, and general assembly depending on the final project.
  • End with: Lots of lessons learned, fun had by all, and even a final print that we can show off to our friends and family!

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