WOW That came out great! @Ezra’s knife completed!

Wow, the Destiny 2 Knife came out great, no brim and with the supports added, I think it will look great. It looks a little unusual, but when they supports are cut away, I think it will be awesome. Below are the pictures, and video of taking it off the bed, and you can check the timelapse video.

If you’ve gotten bored with timelapse videos – definitely still check this one out. Due to the size, and position on the bed, the camera captures it really well and it looks great!

@Ezra’s whistle complete, and reprint of Destiny Knife started!

Whistle came out great, no brim or supports needed! While it is incredibly tempting, we won’t blow on it to test it until next Saturday! Below are the pictures, and video of taking it off the bed, and you can check the timelapse video.

In addition, we just started the re-print of Ezra’s Destiny knife – supports added, and size increased. (Smart move to print it diagonally!) Live feed here, expected to go until about 7PM!

Ezra’s Destiny Hunter Knife complete!

We pulled the print off the printer a bit ago – check the video below for details and you can check the timelapse here. See below for pictures of the print as well. It looks great in black, and the lack of brim doesn’t seem to have been an issue! Can you spot any issues in it that could be corrected? @Ezra – if you think you could make some changes to a slice, and would like to reslice an email it to me, we’d be happy to print it again!

Gible (more) successful print complete!

I’m happy to report that although not perfect, the second Gible print for @Luke was more successful. As you can see in the photos and video below, the print successfully completed, although there are some flaws. Who can point out the flaws, and what do you think may have caused them? Here is the timelapse link, as well as a link to the FULL recording of the print. Use the videos to sleuth your way to a hypothesis and put it in the comments below!

Gible – Fail early, and try, try again!

Well, I thought I was going to be brave (first video), but I ultimately chickened out and canceled the Gible print. Check the second video below for a look at the print after it failed, and what I found out that was causing the problem. I’m glad I cancelled it, and have it running again. This second try should finish about 7AM, and I’ll check on it in the morning!