Ezra’s Destiny Hunter Knife complete!

We pulled the print off the printer a bit ago – check the video below for details and you can check the timelapse here. See below for pictures of the print as well. It looks great in black, and the lack of brim doesn’t seem to have been an issue! Can you spot any issues in it that could be corrected? @Ezra – if you think you could make some changes to a slice, and would like to reslice an email it to me, we’d be happy to print it again!

3 Replies to “Ezra’s Destiny Hunter Knife complete!”

    1. Ezra just re-sliced it with supports as he believes that will solve the issue….time to try again. (He also adjusted the orientation to increase the size). -Brian (Ezra’s assistant). Email with new Gcode file sent.

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