Ever break a PCB (Printed Circuit Board)?

Yah, neither had I. Until tonight. You see, one of the parts we need for the build, is a small board that we connect a mini-USB cable to in order to charge the lithium ion rechargeable batteries inside.

As I’ve found, most of the parts are available incredibly cheap, as long as I’m willing to buy it from China and wait for it to arrive (30+ days). Well, since our build begins Saturday – we don’t have that kind of time!

Fortunately, I was able to find the USB charger board relatively cheap on Amazon for 5.99 for 10 boards. I say relatively, but $5.99 isn’t a huge deal for a part, but if I was able to wait longer – I could have picked up 10 for $1.89!

Well, it turns out the 10 pack on Amazon was actually still all together – and had not been separated into individual pieces!

The good news is that after a bit of googling to give me confidence (yah, just break it with your hands!) – I was able to break the single board down into the required individual pieces. Phew – that was a new experience!!

The picture below shows the board after I had snapped the single board in half (and then one half broke 3/2 like you see below. Extra credit for anyone who can anyone spot the missing piece!!

And here are all the pieces, waiting on some soldering and connecting time!

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