Quest #4 Complete!

The votes are in! We will be (gulp!) attempting the ZeroBot Pro for our final print! I just completed the purchases for all the parts, and am expecting the parts to arrive during this week.

As discussed, we’ll need to likely extend our time together a bit in order to complete the final project. While the first print is complete (see pictures and video below) – we are going to have a fair amount of time soldering, and trying to figure out how to get everything connected and working!

The current game plan (subject to MUCH change) is to keep our normal time on Saturday the 20th, and add another session on the 27th. The session on the 27th would likely be much longer, and we’d see how far we get that week.

Please review the documentation found here, here, and here before the next time we meet! I hope to be posting info as I continue to do more research and testing (and perhaps even a pre-build…

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